The family celebrated Lakshmi Kutty Amma's 100th birthday on 30th September 2010 at the Maharaj restaurant in Petaling Jaya, Selangor, Malaysia. Her 4 children, 9 grandchildren and 2 of her 9 great grandchildren hosted the dinner function; it was attended by 96 persons (4 persons who did not turn up would have made it exactly 100!)
Toh Puan Uma Sambanthan garlanded her before she cut the birthday cake. After dinner, a presentation of her life was made by Rema. Gopa Kumar spoke on behalf of her children to thank everyone who came to make this day an eventful & memorable one for the family. Sunil Kumar spoke to represent the grandchildren who have benefited immensely by her presence in their lives. Later, Reena and Asha performed a dance to the tune of Kaliyon Ka Chaman on behalf of the great grandchildren.
The night was filled with the clicking of cameras and videos as everyone took turns to get a picture with the lady of 100 years. Lakshmi Kutty was in high spirits (without the spirit!) enjoying every moment of meeting all the people, especially old timers like Sarasamma (Mrs Balakrishna Pillai). Others were Parashakti & Singam fromerly of Happy Gardens, Prabha, Padma, Innu & Ramachandran (Sir) from Singapore, Annasamy from Jitra, Unnikrishnan's aunt from Thrissur, Suzi & Ronnie from Kota Tinggi, Dr Raju & family from Gua Musang, Dr John & Bina from Kota Bahru. She didn't leave until almost all the guests had left and still had the energy to walk up to the drinkers in the adjoining hall to talk to Venoo (& check if he is within the drinking limits!) at almost 12.15 am before she left with Indra.
The family took this occasion to thank Indra, her daughter & caregiver, her nurse, cook, cleaner, nutritionist and disciplinarian who is responsible for her keeping good health; she is diabetic and needs insulin jabs twice a day (and also has high BP which is quite normal for anyone her age). Indra stays with her in 153, Happy Gardens, Kuala Lumpur. She has accepted this huge responsibility lovingly and silently; she takes her for regular check-ups with Dr. Asoka Menon every six weeks.